Chapter 4. Application Development with Components and Modules
Okay, time to get back to application development. We touched briefly on this back in Chapter 1, Knockout Essentials; we will be returning to it here. This chapter is all about how to work with Knockout inside modern web applications. In this chapter, we will look at the following topics:
- Using modules with RequireJS
- Creating reusable components
- Extending Knockout with custom component loaders
- Single Page Application (SPA) routing
Because Knockout is a library—a fact it proclaims proudly on the home page—it doesn't cover everything you need in complete web applications. This allows Knockout to specialize by focusing on a limited feature set, but it leaves the task of deciding how to build the rest of the application to you, the developer. The methods we cover in this chapter are not the only available options—we don't have that kind of time or space—but they should provide enough general...