Overview of Julia
Julia was first released to the world in February 2012 after a couple of years of development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This was followed by a couple of years of development at MIT. Later, in 2015, a commercial arm called Julia Computing was set up to acquire funding and provide consultancy and (some) enterprise packages; this was later renamed to JuliaHub to reflect the inclusion of a cloud computing platform facility, at present, hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The use of the JuliaHub cloud is discussed in the last chapter of this book.
Most of Julia remains freely available and we will be concentrating on that here. As mentioned previously, version 1.0 was released in 2018 and, at present, is approaching v1.9.0, although there seem to be no plans for a main release to mark crossing the v2 barrier.
All the original developers – Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, and Viral Shah – still maintain roles in the evolution...