- Which objects are used to represent an item that you would like to index in Spotlight?
a) NSUserActivity and CSUserActivity.
b) NSUserActivity and CSSearchableItem.
c) CSSearchableItem and CSSearchableItemAttributeSet.
- What happens when a user selects a Spotlight search result that points to your app?
a) AppDelegate is asked to resume a user activity that represents the item.
b) AppDelegate is asked to handle a URL that represents the item.
c) CSSearchableIndexDelegate is asked to handle the selected item.
- How do you add an item to the Spotlight index?
a) By passing a CSSearchableItem to CSSearchableIndex or setting a user activity as the current activity.
b) By implementing CSSearchableIndexDelegate.
c) Only by passing a CSSearchableItem to CSSearchableIndex.
- Does it make sense to index the same user activity multiple times?