Digital forensics on defensive security
When talking about forensics in terms of defensive security, we must perform forensics in several fields, including the following:
- Data analysis
- Log analysis
- Email forensics
- Database forensics
- Malware forensics
- Memory forensics
- Mobile forensics
- Network forensics
Now, let's dig deeper into how digital forensics is managed, including the process that's involved.
Who should be in charge of digital forensics?
There are two main ways to manage all this forensics work. While some companies have a forensics specialist to deal with all forensics-related tasks, other companies train an expert in each field to act as a forensic expert. There is also a forensic coordinator who acts as the leader of all forensics activities.
The digital forensics process
Most companies customize their digital forensics process based on their needs and their level of maturity. However, let me present you with...