A Layout is used to define structure; its intention is to create a skeleton where other views will be placed. A common web application layout is composed of a header, a sidebar, footer, and a common area, for example. With layouts we can define regions, in a declarative way, where these elements will be placed. After the layout is rendered, we can show the views we want on those views.
In the following figure, we can see a layout; each of these elements is a region, so other views should be created to fill the regions—for example, a HeaderView class for the header region:

Figure 2.3: A common web application layout
An implementation of this example could be something like this:
var AppLayout = new Layout({ template: $('#app-layout').html(), regions: { header: 'header', sicebar: '#sidebar', footer: 'footer', main: '#main' } }); Var layout = new AppLayout({ el: 'body' }); var header = new HeaderView...