There are other very useful functions that we can use with the MOVI instance. Here are a few additional functions that you can try to add to the project:
- isReady(): Will return a Boolean value of true if the MOVI is ready or false if it is not ready.
- setVolume(int volume): Will set the volume of the MOVI's output from 0 (muted) to 100 (full volume).
- setVoiceGender(bool female): Will set the gender for the MOVI's voice. A true value will set it to a female voice, and a false value will set it to a male voice.
- setThreshold(int threshold): Sets the noise threshold for the speech recognizer. Values can range from 2 to 95. A value of 15 is good for a noisy environment while a value of 30 is good for a very noisy environment.
- welcomeMessage(bool on): Will set the MOVI welcome message on or off.
- beeps(bool on): Turns the recognition beep on or off.
- ask() and ask...