Apache Spark is an in-memory, cluster-based, parallel processing system that provides a wide range of functionality such as graph processing, machine learning, stream processing, and SQL. This book aims to take your limited knowledge of Spark to the next level by teaching you how to expand your Spark functionality.
The book opens with an overview of the Spark ecosystem. The book will introduce you to Project Catalyst and Tungsten. You will understand how Memory Management and Binary Processing, Cache-aware Computation, and Code Generation are used to speed things up dramatically. The book goes on to show how to incorporate H20 and Deeplearning4j for machine learning and Juypter Notebooks, Zeppelin, Docker and Kubernetes for cloud-based Spark. During the course of the book, you will also learn about the latest enhancements in Apache Spark 2.2, such as using the DataFrame and Dataset APIs exclusively, building advanced, fully automated Machine Learning pipelines with SparkML and perform graph analysis using the new GraphFrames API.