To unsubscribe or archive? That is the question
Now, let’s say you have tried some re-engagement campaigns or automations and you feel like you’ve tried your best to get some of these contacts to interact with your content, but, as you expected, some of them aren’t engaging over time. Sometimes, this can happen, but you now have to make the decision as to whether you would like to keep them in your audience for a while, or whether you would like to move them from subscribed to another status so that they’re not contributing to your billing. Doing the latter also reduces the risk that they might report your campaigns as abuse over time.
So, if you decide you’re ready for the next step, you then have to decide how you want to handle the contacts going forward. Important questions to ask yourself include the following:
- Do I want to keep the data?
- Are the stats for these contacts important to me?
- Do I want to keep a visible record of...