Time for action — creating a forum
Let's create a forum for your group:
1. From the Group homepage page, click on the Forums tab.
2. To start with, you will see that you already have the General Discussion forum in your group, but start by making your own new forum by clicking on the New forum button:
3. The Add forum page will now open. Give your forum a relevant title.
4. Then fill in the Description section by giving a simple explanation of what the forum will be used for.
5. Next, choose how you would like topics in your forum to be expanded. You can select Fully expand, Expand to max, or No indents. Janet has decided to leave it set to the default — Fully expand. These options will be discussed later in this chapter.
6. You will also see a link that says Settings, click on it. This shows a group of options for your forum. The first option is an option to automatically subscribe users. If this is set to Yes, all group members will start receiving e-mail updates about this forum. Janet wants...