Latent Dirichlet allocation
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) extends pLSA by adding a generative process for topics (Blei, Ng, and Jordan 2003). It is the most popular topic model because it tends to produce meaningful topics that humans can relate to, can assign topics to new documents, and is extensible. Variants of LDA models can include metadata, like authors or image data, or learn hierarchical topics.
How LDA works
LDA is a hierarchical Bayesian model that assumes topics are probability distributions over words, and documents are distributions over topics. More specifically, the model assumes that topics follow a sparse Dirichlet distribution, which implies that documents reflect only a small set of topics, and topics use only a limited number of terms frequently.
The Dirichlet distribution
The Dirichlet distribution produces probability vectors that can be used as a discrete probability distribution. That is, it randomly generates a given number of values that...