Flowing with the fundamental paradigm
The overall paradigm of Tableau Prep is a hands-on, visual experience of discovering, cleaning, and shaping data through a flow. A flow (sometimes also called a data flow) is a logical series of steps and changes that are applied to data from input(s) to output(s).
Here is an example of what a flow looks like in the flow pane of Tableau Prep:

Figure 16.3: An example flow in Tableau Prep
Each of the individual components of the flow are called steps, which are connected by lines that indicate the logical flow of data from left to right. The lines are sometimes called connectors or branches of the flow. Notice that the Aggregate Step here has one line coming in from the left and three branches extending to the right. Any step can have multiple output branches that represent logical copies of the data at that point in the flow.
One important thing to notice is that four of the step types represent the four major transformations...