Some of the most common aggregators in the SQL world are count, sum, min, or max. They are used in conjunction with the GROUP BY instruction. Here is an example of aggregator usage in Cypher:
MATCH (p:Person)-[IS_NAMED]-(ln:LastName)
RETURN ln.lastName, count(p)
Since version 3.2, Neo4j allows you to create your own aggregators, which is fairly simple. To illustrate, we will see how to code a random count: a count aggregator that returns a random value. The Java code is as follows:
package learningneo4j;
import org.neo4j.procedure.*;
public class RandomCount {
@Description( "learningneo4j.randomCount - mostly returns a wrong value " )
public RandomAggregator randomAggregator() {
return new RandomAggregator();
public static class RandomAggregator {