What you need for this book
You will need the following factors before you start working on the book:
- A basic working knowledge of JavaScript and Node.JS
- A computer with USB ports that supports node-serialport, running Node.JS 4.x
- An Arduino Uno or other board supported by Johnny-Five (see http://johnny-five.io/platform-support) and a USB cable for the board
- Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) - having a dozen should let you finish all the examples with room for error.
- A Piezo element
- A character LCD (one with an I2C interface is fine)
- A push-button that is breadboard friendly
- A rotating potentiometer that is breadboard friendly
- A light-sensing diode
- A basic temperature sensor
- Three hobby servos that runs on 5V
- One hobby motor that runs on 5v
- An ADXL345I2C Accelerometer
- An LED matrix kit from SparkFun—product number DEV-11861
- A GamePad—RetroLink N64 controller or a DualShock3
- (Optional) A Particle Photon microcontroller