Creating a linked list
Now that we understand what a linked list is, let's start implementing our data structure. This is the skeleton of our LinkedList
function LinkedList() { var Node = function(element){ // {1} this.element = element; = null; }; var length = 0; // {2} var head = null; // {3} this.append = function(element){}; this.insert = function(position, element){}; this.removeAt = function(position){}; this.remove = function(element){}; this.indexOf = function(element){}; this.isEmpty = function() {}; this.size = function() {}; this.toString = function(){}; this.print = function(){}; }
For the LinkedList
data structure, we need a helper class called Node
(line {1}
). The Node
class represents the item that we want to add to the list. It contains an element
attribute, which is the value we want to add to the list, and a next
attribute, which is the pointer that contains the link to the next...