Working with the Views module
You are now in a good position to start investigating how to the use the Views
module to create carefully filtered and organized listings of content that are organized just as you want.
Creating a Views-powered News page
To create a new View, visit the Manage | Structure | Views page:

You will see a list of all the existing views, some of which are active and some disabled:

View wizard
The view wizard will help you create new views more quickly by guiding you through the common setup steps.
Creating a new view
Next, click on the +Add new view button and you will be taken into the Views wizard. We'll keep this explanation simple to start with by concentrating only on the elements of this screen that are essential to build the News page view.
Later in this chapter, we will go into more detail about the finer points of the Views wizard. Name the new View News
and filter the content to the Article type.

At this point, you may be forgiven for thinking that you can also...