Chapter 9 – Creating and Using Tasks
- What Task Items do you see included in this project?
Selecting features and editing parcels.
- How many tasks are included in the Task Item you have opened and what are they?
Three (3). Selecting features in the Map, Selecting features by attributes, and Selecting features based on location to other features.
- How many steps did this task have?
There were two active steps, which required user interaction.
- How many steps do you see in this task?
Four (4)
- How does this compare to the number of steps you counted when you ran the task in the last exercise?
There are more steps.
- Why do you think the number of steps you counted in Exercise 9A differs from the actual number of steps contained in this task?
Some of the steps in this task were set to run automatically and were hidden from the user, so they were not aware that they existed.