3D camera 271
moving 271, 272
perspective, adding 272, 273
3D figures 4
preset poses, using 274-277
3D Material palette 262, 263
3D drawing figure information, saving 282, 283
information, saving 280
pose information, saving 281, 282
3D models
importing, into Clip Studio Paint 284-286
3D object
hand pose, changing 270, 271
loading, onto canvas 264
model parts, moving 268, 269
moving 264, 265
moving, on x, y, and z axes 265-267
moving, with manipulator sphere 267
Adobe Photoshop
color palettes, importing from 303-306
advanced text settings
Circular text box 140, 141
compatibility 142
Edit settings category 140
exploring 136
font settings 137, 138
Line space/alignment settings 138, 139
Operation settings 137
properties settings, editing 136
Text category 139, 140
Transformation settings category 141, 142
animated GIF 369, 370