Chapter 5. Wizard for the Public Administration
We already have seen how to build an SPA with DurandalJS, in Chapter 3, SPA for Timesheet Management.
In this chapter, we are going to build another SPA, but this time the main goals of the chapter will be accessibility and SEO.
This is the list of topics we will cover in this chapter:
- How to realize a multipage wizard with the help of DurandalJS
- Graceful degradation, Progressive Enhancement, and what's best for an SPA.
- Which kind of accessibility rules can we follow if we plan an SPA?
- Best practice to do a good SEO when you have a highly dynamic web application.
- How to realize a fully accessible, search-engine-optimized, and responsive Single Page Application.
We will see all the best practices re-creating a deployed real-world application used in Italy to simplify all the paperwork needed to relocate.