We have covered quite a few aspects of the Java EE 8 release train, while catching up on new and existing changes. As a developer working on Java EE solutions, these capabilities provide a big boost to one's productivity. The growing adoption of REST APIs with JSON as its preferred data-interchange format has led to better support of JSON in the platform. JSON now enjoys the same status as XML for support in Java EE. The widely used Servlets API has been updated to be aligned with the HTTP/2 standards and its offerings. Other noteworthy enhancements include updates to JAXRS, JSF, WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, and a new reactive client API for JAXRS. Many of these APIs are influenced by Java 8 changes, which have played an influential role in updates.
CDI standard is now very well integrated in all the other specifications offered by Java EE. The influence of CDI is not limited to EE alone, and it's a welcome entry into Java SE as well. Bean Validation updates have made constraint additions to code an ease to work with. Additionally, there have been maintenance updates to existing APIs and new additions including Java security and JSON-B, which are now available under the umbrella spec of Java EE.