A bit of number theory with SymPy
SymPy contains many number-theory-related routines: obtaining prime numbers, integer decompositions, and much more. We will show a few examples here.
Getting ready
To display legends using LaTeX in matplotlib, you will need an installation of LaTeX on your computer (see this chapter's introduction).
How to do it...
- Let's import SymPy and the number theory package:
>>> from sympy import * import sympy.ntheory as nt init_printing()
- We can test whether a number is prime:
>>> nt.isprime(2017) True
- We can find the next prime after a given number:
>>> nt.nextprime(2017)
- What is the 1000th prime number?
>>> nt.prime(1000)
- How many primes less than 2017 are there?
>>> nt.primepi(2017)
We can plot
, the prime-counting function (the number of prime numbers less than or equal to some number
). The prime number theorem states that this function is asymptotically equivalent to
. This expression approximately quantifies...