reference link 123
Add New Journal Entry screen
AddJournalEntryViewController class, creating 286, 287
custom view, adding 212-215, 368-372
image view, adding 223, 224
JournalEntry instance, creating from user input 290, 291
modifying 211, 212
switch, adding 215-219
table view, updating with journal entry 291-293
text field, adding 219, 220
text view, adding 221, 222
UI elements, connecting to AddJournalEntryViewController class 288-290
used, for passing data to Journal List screen 286
user interface elements, embedding in stack view 225-229
annotation views
displaying, on Map screen 328, 329
icon, creating 518, 519
running, in Simulator 16, 17
running, on iOS device 19-25
screenshots, creating 519, 520
submitting, to App Store 518
testing 531
testing, externally 534-539
testing, internally 531-534
Writing Tools, implementing 496-500
App ID