Hardware configuration
We are now going to see how to configure the hardware for this chapter. Let's start by connecting the power supply; connect to the 5V pin on the board coming from the Galileo board to the red power line on the breadboard, and the GND pin of the Galileo board to the blue power line of the breadboard.
Then, we will connect the relay. Connect the VCC pin of the relay to the red power line, GND to the blue power line, and the SIG pin of the relay to pin number 7.
For the PIR motion sensor, the process is actually very similar. Connect the VCC pin to the red power line, GND to the blue power line, and the OUT pin of the sensor to pin number 8.
Finally, place the photocell in the series with the 10k Ohm resistor on the breadboard. Then, connect the free pin of the photocell to the red power line, and the free pin of the resistor to the blue power line. Also, connect the middle pin to the analog pin A0 of the Galileo board.
The following image shows the final result: