What is Sametime
Sametime gives us the ability to chat or send an instant message to others in a secure manner. Have you ever sent an e-mail and then wondered when the person will be able to respond? Do you get too many e-mails? Does listening to voicemail drive you nuts? If your question to all these questions is yes, then Sametime is the answer. Sametime allows us to first check if the person is available online, this is called presence awareness. Then if the person is available, we can start a chat with that person to see if he/she responds. Many people might say, why not just give them a call? Well, without Sametime you can't tell if the person is available—they could be in a meeting or they could be on the phone, plus there may be a cost to the call. So, being able to chat with a person using Sametime will typically give us instant results. Some other great features of Sametime are:
It allows us to chat with two or more people at the same time, referred to as multi-way chat.
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