Using Health Monitor
The Health Monitor works on the server's side to assist the DBA in monitoring. It frees DBAs from having to constantly monitor databases' state, by performing periodic checks on predetermined warning and alarm threshold settings. You will probably have seen some in the Memory Visualizer.
Although the Health Monitor has a Health Center GUI tool, you can also use the command line to enable and configure its parameters. Since health monitoring is crucial to be aware of the databases' state at any time, the first thing we need to check is the monitoring itself.
When insufficient space is allocated for the monitor heap, monitoring operations may fail, so we can't be alerted for potential alerts.
Getting ready
Check if the health monitoring is activated on this instance. Update it if necessary.
[db2instp@nodedb21 ~]$ db2 get dbm cfg | grep HEALTH_MON Monitor health of instance and databases (HEALTH_MON) = ON
How to do it...
Launch Health Center from Control Center by navigating...