Copy-pasting partial or full report
Perhaps this is not something that is going to impress you. But I was really impressed when I saw this feature. We will see how to copy a part of report and full report and paste it into another instance.
We often need to copy a part of report or full report from one Report Studio environment or instance, to another. This might be for re-use purpose or for promoting it to the next stage.
Getting ready
We will use the report created in previous recipe for this one.
How to do it...
Open the report in Report Studio. We will call it the Source instance.
Now open another instance of Report Studio from same connection portal for same package [GO Data Warehouse (Query)]. We will call this instance Destination.
Now go to Query Explorer in both the instances.
Right click on Query1 from the Source instance and choose Copy.
In the Query Explorer of the Destination instance, right-click and choose to Paste.
You will see that the Query Subject is successfully copied. You...