Chapter 6. Toppling Towers
For the rest of the book we are going to focus on creating a single game from concept to a completed, released product. We will be utilizing everything we have learned so far and will be introduced to a variety of additional features, such as GameMaker: Studio's physics and particle systems. We will build some more systems to allow character dialog and an inventory. Finally, we will look at the different ways to release the game, including onto Facebook.
In this chapter we are going to build a physics-based tower toppling game that will demonstrate GameMaker: Studio's implementation of the Box2D open source physics engine. It will feature towers made out of a variety of different materials, such as glass, wood, and steel. The goal of the game will be to clear a restricted zone by destroying these towers utilizing a variety of tools. We will create TNT that will blast outwards, a Wrecking Ball that will swing down, and a Magnet that will attract loose parts. Best...