DeepWalk and random walks
Proposed in 2014 by Perozzi et al., DeepWalk quickly became extremely popular among graph researchers. Inspired by recent advances in NLP, it consistently outperformed other methods on several datasets. While more performant architectures have been proposed since then, DeepWalk is a simple and reliable baseline that can be quickly implemented to solve a lot of problems.
The goal of DeepWalk is to produce high-quality feature representations of nodes in an unsupervised way. This architecture is heavily inspired by Word2Vec in NLP. However, instead of words, our dataset is composed of nodes. This is why we use random walks to generate meaningful sequences of nodes that act like sentences. The following diagram illustrates the connection between sentences and graphs:

Figure 3.4 – Sentences can be represented as graphs
Random walks are sequences of nodes produced by randomly choosing a neighboring node at every step. Thus...