- /aggregated-event-counts endpoint / The /aggregated-event-counts endpoint
- Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) object / Anatomy of a Puppet run, under the hood
- action method / Custom faces
- ActiveRecord libraries
- using / Installation and configuration
- agent command / Custom faces
- alternate approach, OpenStack modules / Taking an alternate approach
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- about / Cloud provisioning on AWS
- anchor pattern, modules
- about / The anchor pattern
- assert_type function / Manipulating and validating hashes and arrays
- automated infrastructures
- about / Existing automated infrastructures
- Puppet Master, upgrading / Upgrading the Puppet Master
- automatic parameter lookup / Puppet 3 automatic parameter lookup
- about / Amazon Web Services
- Cloud provisioning / Cloud provisioning on AWS
- configuring, with resource types / AWS provisioning and configuration with resource types