Chapter 10
- Correct Answer: a
a. As was learned in the section Exploring the updateView method, during the first-time load, the updateView method is invoked after the init method.
b. Any changes to the value in the state would not invoke the updateView method. Learn more about when the updateView method is invoked in the section Exploring the updateView method of this chapter.
- Correct Answer: a
a. The init method provides four parameters: the third parameter, named state, which is of type ComponentFramework.Dictionary, is the one that allows us to cache the data.
b. The updateView method only has one parameter and that is the context of the component framework.
- Correct Answer: b
a. The method getBarcodeValue, as of the writing of this book, only works on the Power Apps mobile app.
b. The method pickFile will work on all devices and will allow you to pick a file from your device.
- Correct Answer: b
a. The updateRecord method does not throw an error if record ID is sent as undefined...