Rounding up your validation strategy with server-side validation of form fields
Server-side validation should be an important component of your validation strategy for any application. This recipe explains how to send validation codes and messages to a login form from the server-side code.
The login form built in this recipe performs client-side validation. Upon submission, the server returns an error code and a message, as shown in the next screenshot:

How to do it...
1. Initialize the
singleton so that we can have error messages as tool tips:Ext.QuickTips.init();
2. Define the login form:
var loginForm = { xtype: 'form', id: 'login-form', bodyStyle: 'padding:15px;background:transparent', border: false, url:'login.php', items: [ { xtype: 'box', autoEl: { tag: 'div', html: '<div class="app-msg"> <img src="img/magic-wand.png" class="app-img" /> Log in to The Magic Forum</div>' } }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'login-user', fieldLabel: 'Username',allowBlank: false...