- >> Linux command, 113–114
- > Linux command, 113–114
- A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) audio, 666–667
- ABI (application binary interface), 310
- accelerometers, ADXL345, 347
- accessories, 19
- Ethernet cable, 22
- HDMI cable, 22–23
- micro-HDMI to VGA adapters, 25
- micro-SD cards, 20–21
- optional, 24–26
- PocketBeagle, headers, 20
- power supply, external, 5V, 22
- USB hub, 25
- USB keyboard and mouse, 26
- USB-to-serial UART TTL cable, 23–24
- USB webcam, 25–26
- access specifier keyword, 231
- actuators, 402
- linear, 402
- precision, 402
- relays
- EMRs (electromechanical relays), 417–418
- SSRs (solid-state rays), 417–418
- Adafruit IO service, MQTT and, 497
- Adafruit Proto cape, 27
- adapters
- micro-HDMI to VGA, 25
- support, 7
- Wi-Fi, 25
- ADC (analog-to-digital conversion), 139
- inputs
- diode clamping circuit, 421–422
- op-amp clamping, 422–426
- operational amplifiers
- ideal, 178–...
- inputs