Why this document was found
Compared to databases, using systems capable of performing full-text search can often be anything other than obvious. We can search in many fields simultaneously and the data in the index can vary from those provided for indexing because of the analysis process, synonyms, language analysis, abbreviations, and others. It's even worse; by default, search engines sort data by scoring—a number that indicates how many current documents fit into the current searching criteria. For this, "how much" is the key; search takes into consideration many factors such as how many searched words were found in the document, how frequent is this word in the whole index, and how long is the field. This seems complicated and finding out why a document was found and why another document is "better" is not easy. Fortunately, ElasticSearch has some tools that can answer these questions. Let's take a look at them!
Understanding how a field is analyzed
One of the common questions asked is...