Developing the Backend of a Basic Joomla! Component
One of the benefits of using Joomla! is that it actually has two applications in place – Joomla! frontend and Joomla! backend. Joomla’s backend is used for site configuration and data management, and its components reflect this architecture. This separation allows for more secure and scoped applications, where you handle data management and administration in the backend, while you leave user interaction for the frontend. This is why there is a dedicated area in the Joomla! backend for management. In this area, users can see private data and configure the behavior of a component.
A component’s backend covers all the data entities we described in our component plan in the previous chapter. Each entity is usually provided with a listing view and an edit view. Additionally, in the backend, we also find the configuration page of the component.
In this chapter, we will work with minimum code to create a Joomla...