Hands-on exercise 1 – provisioning the resources for the chapter's exercises
To follow along with the exercises in this chapter, we will provision some Azure resources to work with. We have prepared an Azure ARM template in the GitHub repository of this book for this purpose. The template will deploy a VM, a storage account (with a file share), and an App Service web app in the specified Azure region, as shown in Figure 11.14.
Figure 11.14 – Resources deployed via the provided ARM template
Here are the tasks that we will complete in this exercise:
- Task 1: Initialize template deployment in GitHub, complete the parameters, and deploy a template to Azure
Let’s get into this!
Task 1 – initialize template deployment in GitHub, complete the parameters, and deploy a template to Azure
The steps are:
- Open a web browser and navigate to https://packt.link/AdmXo.
- This link will open the GitHub repository...