The FormatOptions property has the following sub-properties:
- MapRules: A dataset may be seen as a sort of abstraction over some data storage format (in the case of a classic DBMS, it may represent a table or query result set). This abstraction is based on rows (records) and columns (fields) and each column is usually associated with a specific data type (a string, an integer number, memo text, and so on).
The way a data access library binds the native type of data to a column type can have a very significant impact on the application development and also on the evolution of the data storage through time. If you are an experienced developer, you surely have faced this before and you know how handy it can be to have a way to fine-tune the mapping rules your DAC library applies to construct datasets.
Sometimes the database architect uses some conventions to mark all integer fields with a name starting with B_Â that are in fact Boolean values...