Hands-on – joining datasets with AWS Glue Studio
For our hands-on exercise in this chapter, we are going to use AWS Glue Studio to create an Apache Spark job that joins streaming data with data we migrated from our MySQL database in the previous chapter.
Creating a new data lake zone – the curated zone
As discussed in Chapter 2, Data Management Architecture for Analytics, it is common to have multiple zones in a data lake, containing different copies of our data as it gets transformed. So far, we have ingested raw data into the landing zone and then converted some of those datasets into Parquet format, and written the files out in the clean zone. In this chapter, we will be joining multiple datasets together and will write out the new dataset to the curated zone of our data lake. The curated zone is intended to store data that has been transformed and is ready for consumption by data consumers. We created an Amazon S3 bucket for the curated zone in a previous...