Negligent behaviors
Oblivious behavior is in some ways easier to deal with – the employee doesn't know that their behavior is threatening to the organization, and if they're educated properly and become part of a security culture, those behaviors will stop. Negligent non-malicious behavior, on the other hand, is when the employee knows that their action causes a security risk. They simply underestimate the risk, and overestimate the convenience of the risky action. These employees need to be convinced not just of what to do, but also of how important it is that they do it, and the possible consequences of not following the protocol.
Leaving the door open – the problem with recycled passwords
Coming up with a new password is often a task one faces without preparing for it – a reminder pops up and, suddenly, you need to invent a password. This leads to negligent employees using the same passwords and usernames that they've already used for websites...