An application output sample
Let's take a look at how the application works. When the program is started, the initial view will appear, as shown in the following given image (a). The top of the view holds a navigation bar with two bar button items: Edit and +. At the bottom of the view is a toolbar holding a bar button item called Master Product Information. The title in the navigation bar, Customers List, tells us that the two bar button items (Edit and +) are concerned with editing and adding customer information, respectively. The bar button item, Master Product Information, is used to store product data: name, price, quantity, and the product image.

Entering Master Product Information
We begin by entering the product data, Master Product Information, which will include product name, price, quantity on hand, and a product photo. The product quantity is automatically adjusted after a sale.
When Master Product Information is selected, the view appears as shown in preceding image (b). The...