Getting started with Python
Before we look at Python in more detail, we will provide a brief introduction to getting started with Python and demonstrate a short program. Although we have not even introduced the basics of the language, Python programs are remarkably easy to follow.
Python is a computer language such as C or Java and, like every computer language, it has its advantages and disadvantages. We have chosen to use Python because it is free and universal, there’s a vast amount of information about it, and, most importantly, it has a very shallow learning curve. Indeed, Python has become one of the most popular languages used in computer science education.
Python was conceived by the Dutch computer scientist Guido van Rossum, and the stable Python 2.0 was released in 2000. Today, Python is promoted by the Python Software Foundation, a body of volunteers whose aim is to develop the language as a public service.
The high-level language programs in this text were...