Using Webform CiviCRM to update relationship data
Updating related contact information is not very straightforward in CiviCRM. Let's imagine you are using CiviCRM to organize a soccer league. You would have three types of contacts: an organization contact type representing a soccer team, an individual contact type representing the team manager, and another individual contact type representing players. You would create a "manager" relationship between the team and the manager and a "player" relationship between the team and the players. Suppose you want to allow the manager to be able to update the team contact? You can do this by allowing managers to update teams by checking the permissions box on the relationship. But the update interface is through the user CiviCRM dashboard, and custom fields are not available through this technique. Enter CiviCRM Webforms for Drupal
This powerful module exposes CiviCRM contact fields to the Drupal Webform module. CiviCRM Webforms can create and update...