Comic book elements
The comic book editor in Celtx only has six script elements—Page, Panel, Caption, Character, Balloon Type, Balloon.
We access each of these elements as in all the other Celtx scripts by using the drop-down menu at the top of the main script window, as shown in the following screenshot:
We also make sure that every line in the script is in a format, preferably the correct format for that element, so that Celtx can help us by properly formatting our finished scripts to industry standards.
Okay, here we go, but where are we going? The following screenshot shows an empty comic book script under the editing bar at the top of the main script window. We're on the first page.
Well, there are two schools of thought on page descriptions. The sample script we've been looking at simply tells us how many panels exist on the page:
That method is kind of minimalist (like having no detail, dude).
A short description works a lot better, I believe. Remember, we're providing guidelines for...