A lot of small but important details about how to use Celtx are packed into this chapter. Use these things a few times and they will soon be second nature, and you will happily find Celtx enhancing your creativity by making writing easier and faster. To recap, in this chapter we've learned the following menus:
File menu: Lets us open or create new projects, save our project (really important), and related operations.
Edit menu: Lets us undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, global changes and replacements, and more.
View menu: Lets us adjust the look of the shortcut toolbar as needed.
Script menu: Lets us export, import, adapt type (such as changing Film to Audio Play, and so on), change page format (A4 to Letter, and so forth), and more.
Tools menu: Lets us check spelling, inline spelling, preferences, and more.
Help menu: Tells us about various methods of obtaining help and tutorials online.
Top buttons: Add, Open, Save, Print, Toolbox, My Studio, all demystified.
Project Library: Catalogs, scripts...