It’s a wrap for this chapter. We started off by learning how microfrontends (when executed correctly) help teams to continue to release new features at a consistent pace even as the app size and complexity grow. Then, we learned that there are two primary patterns for implementing microfrontends, the multi-SPA pattern and the micro apps pattern. We saw that the multi-SPA pattern is easier to implement and would suit the majority of use cases. The micro apps pattern would be more suitable when different elements of a given page are owned by different scrum teams. Finally, we learned how to build our very own microfrontend application and saw how we can navigate between the two apps while still giving the user the illusion that they are both part of a single app.
In the next chapter, we will look at some of the key principles to strictly adhere to when designing your microfrontend architecture. We will also look at some of the key components of microfrontend and the various ways they can be implemented.