Making an SEO strategy
To improve a website ranking in the search engine, you need to do some research first and also you need to make an SEO strategy for your website. This strategy will guide you to make your website Search Engine-Friendly (SEF). Create a list of stepwise tasks you want to finish. You can apply the following SEO strategy for your Joomla! jobsite:
1. Research and choose the right keywords.
2. Insert the title and metadata in your Joomla! jobsite.
3. Change basic SEO settings in Global Configuration.
4. Installing and using Joomlatwork! SEO patch.
5. Create an XML or HTML site map.
6. Submit your website to search engines.
7. Submit an XML site map using Google webmaster tools.
Researching and choosing the right keywords
Keyword means the word or phrase that people enter into a search engine to find what they are looking for. Do some research for good keywords that are relevant to your jobsite and then choose the right keywords for your site. Getting the right keywords is very...