Which standard fields to keep and why
The following is a list of the fields that you should keep and the reason(s) why. These fields hold some of the core data discussed in the previous chapter – including who the contact is, where they are from, and how they contacted us. Once the lead is qualified, this information forms the backbone of each of our Account and Contact records. Looking after this data will help build the value of the CRM system and help drive our progress toward our objectives and success measures:
- Lead Owner: This system field is assigned when a record is created and defaults to the user that inputs the record. It can be assigned to another user if needed. This field identifies which user is responsible for following up and processing the lead. It is also key when it comes to workflow automation and reporting later.
- Salutation: This key field is linked to the first name and cannot be removed. It contains a picklist of values such as Mr, Mrs, Ms...