Creating an empty ASP.NET project
Because Visual Studio Code is folder-based and not project-based like Visual Studio, it does not have a File | New Project option in its list of menus.
Scaffolding a project using Yeoman
Instead, you'll use Yeoman to scaffold a basic empty ASP.NET project. If you do not already have npm installed, complete the following steps:
Open a new command prompt and navigate to the folder where you would like to create your project, for example,
.Enter the following command in the command prompt in order to install Yeoman and supporting tools:
npm install -g yo grunt-cli generator-aspnet bower
After Yeoman and supporting tools have been installed, follow these steps:
Enter the following command and press Enter to start the Yeoman ASP.NET generator:
yo aspnet
Select Empty Application from the list of applications and press Enter:
When prompted for the name of your ASP.NET application, type
and press Enter.Yeoman will...