Creating perception stimuli
In the previous section, we utilized the out-of-the-box pawn feature that enables it to be visible to sight sense. We will now analyze actors that are not perceivable by default; this means we will need to add AIPerceptionStimuliSourceComponent
to an actor. What’s more, we will learn how to register or unregister these stimuli, in order to make the actor visible or invisible to the Perception System.
Creating the target actor
In this subsection, we will create a new actor that will serve as a target for the dummy gunner puppet, but with a twist – this actor will create some interference in the level and won’t be visible to the security camera. Achieving this kind of feature is quite easy, once you know how to register and unregister an actor from the Perception System. We are basically creating a scrambler device that will disturb – that is, it will be invisible to – the gunner sight sense.
To keep things simple...