Building a Complex Software with an Embedded Operating System Flow
In this chapter, you will learn about embedded operating system flows and discover the tools used to build a complex software application to run on an FPGA SoC. You will use the design tools available to create the SoC board support package (BSP) for the desired embedded operating system – in this case, FreeRTOS. You will go through the process of generating the SoC bootloader, which runs when the SoC is powered up and launches the embedded software. This chapter is also hands-on, so you will be guided through every step of the design process. Here, you will go through all the embedded software development phases, starting from the initial concept, followed by the actual software building, and then running it on a hardware board or a virtual platform.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following topics:
- Embedded OS software design flow for Xilinx FPGA-based SoCs
- Customizing and generating...