Creating your own video wall
It's time to put our knowledge of replicators to use and create an awesome video wall from floor to ceiling.
Getting ready
Locate a collection of around 80 to 100 photos on your hard drive or locate a few video clips. If you choose photos, it's best if these photos aren't extremely large in size because we will be displaying several of them on the screen at once. For optimum results, make sure every photo is 320 by 180 pixels. Feel free to use your favorite photo-editing application to scale them down. We want Motion to see these photos as an image sequence, and to do that, we'll need to give them the same name followed by a numerical number. The numbers assigned should be sequential. For example, if you have a set of photos with buildings, you'll call the first photo as building_1, the second as building_2, and so on.
Alternatively, if you have video clips, create a Motion project and lay the clips out sequentially in the Timeline. Export it out of Motion via the...