Using SolrCloud as a NoSQL database
There is a huge market for NoSQL databases, each having its own strength and weakness. Several factors need consideration during the selection of a NoSQL database, namely performance, scalability, security, and ease of development. RDBMS is good but has limitations in terms of scaling to billions of records. Horizontal scaling is a challenge in most RDBMSs.
Search, which was earlier a complex process, is now easy to use and scale. With horizontal scalability, search has also become affordable. NoSQL databases can be key-value, column oriented, document oriented and graph database. The key factors that are used to make a decision regarding the NoSQL database are as follows:
Data model: Refers to how data is stored and accessed or whether the NoSQL database is key-value, document oriented, or column oriented.
Distribution model: Refers to how data is distributed across the cluster to address horizontal scalability. It considers sharding and replication features...